Training: see "Classes" page for current offerings

Beginner Training

7 Day Intensive In Person
for yourself or certification
@ Asilomar, CA by the ocean
Cost: $2000- Early Bird ____
Prerequisite: High School Grad or GED
Basics of Hypnosis
Self hypnosis
Hypnosis Induction
Experience Hypnosis as Client and Hypnotist
How to Plan an effective Hypnosis Session
Creating Effective Scripts for Specific Issues
Age Regressions & Past Life Regressions
Cell Memory & Morphic Resonance
Dealing with Fears and Phobias
Behavioral Modification
Post Hypnotic Suggestions
Hypnosis Theory and Methods
Myths and Misconceptions
Ongoing Mentoring
How to & hints for professional hypnosis business
At Home Study (If Certification wanted)
NLP sampling Etc.

Advanced Heaven & Past Life
Sat. & Sun --2024 dates TBD
Experience transformation
@ Asilomar, CA
Explore lifetimes
Prerequisite: Basic Hypnosis Training
Cost: $433 (Alums $275)
Advanced Training
ANGEL HYPNOSIS Learn to use Angel's techniques to help your clients release blocks and make profound transformations. In person @ Asilomar by the ocean, Date TBD
Review Classic Hypnosis
Online class Date TBD
Training by Theresa Micheletti,
former Director of Sylvia Browne's hypnosis school

Life on the Other Side
Afterlife, Life Between Lives –
1 day, TBD
Prerequisite: Basic Hypnosis Training Cost $150

Testimonials for Classic Hypnosis Training:
"I would like to tell anyone who is considering going to this class, DO IT, I went last year and it was a life changing event. It was wonderful. Do this for yourself, you will LOVE it."
Leesa C. B.
It was truly life changing experience."
Patty C.
“Taking your class was one of the best things to happen to me. So many people feel lifted and moved after a session with my training from your class.”
Holly, CA